Message Commands

Tibby has a few commands that can be executed on messages, those are described here.

Message commands are accessed by tapping the three “More” dots on desktop or long-pressing a message on Discord mobile. In both cases you can go to “Apps” and the commands should have the Tibby avatar in front of them.

Translate to English #

Self-explanatory, takes the message the command is used on and translates the contents to English. The command doesn’t work if the message has an embed or otherwise does not have any text content. Messages with images still work as long as the image is not the only content.

UwUify #

UwUifies the contents of the message, wepwaces some wettews that fuwwies can’t pwonounce and wepwaces excwamation mawks with some fuwwy goodness OwO

Mockify #

ReTuRnS ThE MeSsAgE It’s uSeD On wItH AlTeRnAtInG LoWeRcAsE AnD UpPeRcAsE LeTtErS. aS To iMiTaTe a mOcKiNg tOnE.